91 Moire Road, Massey Phone 09-832 3616
Leataata Board Directors
Lemalu Hermann is a former AG of Samoa and displays all the competencies required of an excellent leader. He is humble, collaborative, and values focused. He has excellent legal competencies and is a strategic and reflective thinker. Lemalu has long been a supporter of Leataata and has now joined the Leataata Trust to instill guidance and leadership.
Lemalu Hermann Retzlaff

Fa’amalua (Malua) Tipi a former lecturer at the University of Auckland’s Faculty of Education as well as a former board chairperson for The Fono. Fa'amalua has been restructuring Leataata Organization currently Managing Leataata o Tupulaga Trust. He follows in the footsteps of his mother Toeolesulusulu enabling opportunities for Pasifika families to change their lives for the better.
Toeolesulusulu Fa'amalua Tipi

The Matriarch of the Leataata O Tupulaga Trust. A well respected leader in the Pasifika Community who has been tirelessly changing pasifika family lives through education in ECE. She is also a Justice of Peace and recipient of the New Zealand honors award receiving the MNZM for services to Pacific communities in education. Studied at University of Auckland gaining B Ed Post Grad Dip
Toeolesulusulu Laine Tipi

Rachel is the Chief Executive of The Cause Collective, an organisation leading social change in South Auckland. She’s the force behind initiatives such as Do Good, Feel Good, Healthy Families South Auckland and Prepare Pacific, a website providing Covid-19 information for Pasifika communities. Rachel continues to work in partnership with other Pasifika organisations helping create positive change
Rachel Enosa

Anne Singh is a passionate servant and leader in the South Auckland community. Anne grew up in West Auckland Massey and still a Westie at heart. Anne is currently a ECE manager for her family run ECE business in Manurewa. She is always lending her expertise in community service with deligent experiece in Governance, Health and Safety.
Namulauulu Anne Singh

Yvonne Slade is a Registered Counsellors serving our Auckland Community. She is diligent in her ability to listen and give decisive outcomes that target getting positive outcomes in her professional work. Yvonne has been instrumental in helping families in need across Tamaki Makaurau Auckland. She is always serving her community to get the best outcomes.
Saumaleula Yvonne Slade